Is this a taboo subject? or is it that we listen but do not take action?
Did you know that the U.K has some of the highest rates of skin cancers? More than Australia!
Okay so you may think that the hotter countries like Australia have more to worry about, but ultra violet radiation is exposed to our skins daily. Yes they have stronger UVB, the burning rays, but this isn't the only UVR that causes the "C" word.
UVA is the longest of the suns rays and it can penetrates glass. It is known as the "Ageing" ray and is the biggest factor in skin ageing. Known to all skin enthusiasts and the ageing concerned, is the key to prevention... sun protection factors. Having a SPF in their moisturizers or make up daily to help protect against the ageing rays. Though sometimes as we get older we realize perhaps we should have been putting this on our hands and chest also to stop the ageing and pigmentation that now shows there.